Relax, you’re at the cottage now.
Enjoy modern accommodations with many amenities to make your stay an enjoyable one.
Choose from one of our three Oceantide Cottages for your next stay in PEI.
Tourism PEI #: 2203274

Directions from Charlottetown: Take Capital Drive out of Charlottetown to Main Street Cornwall. Turn Left on to Meadow Bank Road at Pizza Delight Intersection. Follow Route 19 for 10-15 minutes to Argyle Shore. Look for Buoys, Civic # 89 just past Hanneberry Lane, located on lefthand side.
Directions from Borden – Take Trans Canada Highway (Route 1) to Desable. Turn Right on to Route 19 just after Desable Motel. Follow Route 19 10 minutes down the road, located on the righthand side – Civic # 89 in Argyle Shore.